Central Committee Members
Dr. Sharon Nelson
Dr. Sharon Nelson has been living in the tri-county area for the past 40 years.
She has been living in Worcester County since 1999 and currently resides in Snow Hill, MD.
Sharon is a licensed psychologist, who held various positions in Maryland’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and who also had a private practice.
Her last position was the Director of Psychological, Social Work, Training/Education, and Recreation Services at Holly Center, a residential treatment facility for the mentally and psychiatrically challenged.
She retired from State employment in 1996. Dr. Nelson upholds conservative beliefs and philosophies and is active in the Tea Party movement.
She is a member of Americans for Prosperity and Republican Women of Worcester County. Dr. Nelson attends St. John Neumann’s Catholic Church in Ocean Pines. She has two sons.
Carole V Krueger
410 430 2243
A lifelong resident of Worcester County, Mrs. Krueger has been active in the community for many years.
She served as Junior Director for the Maryland Federation of Womens Clubs as well a member and past president of the Pocomoke Rotary Club. She served as Chairman of the Pocomoke Board of Zoning Appeals for ten years. She is a member of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church where she sings in the choir and serves on the Parish Committee.
Mrs.Krueger lives in Pocomoke City in a restored Georgian Federal Home built following the Pocomoke Fire of 1921. She retired from a career in geriatrics having been the original Program Director for Adult Medical Day Care in Worcester County. She has two children and three grandchildren.
Joan Gentile, Chairman
Born and raised in Brooklyn New York. . Graduated from Sullivan County Community College 1978 with a degree in Applied Sciences.
Worked for The New York City Board of Education School Food, from 1980 till 2005. Retired from the City of New York as a Administrator coordinating special events for The Mayor of NYC.
Staten Island Borough President. Police Dept of NYC .and All District Superintendents within the School system including the Superintendent of the Special Education Division. .
I promoted fifteen Supervisors into upper level positions during my tenure. Joan relocated to the Eastern Shore on July 1, 2005.
I have belonged to several organizations during my time on the Eastern Shore. Former Fund Raiser for Habitat for Humanity, Past President of the Women’s Club of Ocean Pines. currently the President of the Republican Women of Worcester County. Recently been appointed to the Worcester County Republican Central Committee.
Donald J. Stifler Vice Chair
410 879-8400
Don is a lifelong resident of Maryland and has been a Worcester County homeowner since 1983. Serving in the U.S. Navy during the Viet Nam Era (1965-1969) and was schooled and trained as a meteorologist.
AA degree from Harford College, BSc degree from the University of Baltimore and one the first PhD degree recipients from the town of Ocean City in 2010. Graduated from the Ocean City Police Department Citizen’s Police Academy.
Since 1975, Don has been both an independent real estate broker and appraiser. First entered the political arena in 1978 as an independent candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates and has been a student of politics since. Father of both a son and daughter with two grandchildren.
Loretta Spinuzza jagspin@gmail.com 443-234-4953
Dr. Jef Fernley drjef@yahoo.com 443 113 6541
Carol Frazier Treasurer
carol.frazier54@gmail.com 410 641 6345
Carol lives in Ocean Pines with her husband Ralph. They have five grown children between them (his three daughters, her son and their daughter, Laura). She is a member of Faith Baptist Church in Berlin where she sings in the choir and serves as Treasurer.
Carol is a founding member of the Worcester County TEA Party. She has been employed as a real estate settlement assistant at a local law firm since 1979.
Beverly Bigler cwcandlewood@mchsi.com 410-208-6018
Latest Projects
- Do THC Detox Kits Work? Worcester County GOP Committee Examines Consumer Claims
- The Promotion by Worcester County Republican Central Committee of Cranberry Juice for THC Detox: Analyzing Efficacy and Implications
- Home Remedies for THC Detox: Effective Natural Strategies
- 24 Hour THC Detox: Effective Methods for Rapid Cleansing
- Harnessing Digital Spaces for Medical Marijuana Education: A Comprehensive Examination of the WCRCC Initiative
- Pioneering Education in Medical Marijuana Usage: A Journey of Collaboration and Community Engagement
- Empowering Parents Through Knowledge: A Deep Dive Into the Successful Implementation of Home Drug Testing Education Seminars
- Enhancing Community Awareness through Information Dissemination: A Case Study
- Successful Implementation of Drug Testing Awareness Campaigns: A Strategic Partnership with Local Law Enforcement